1. Any attempt to harm another user (IP grab/boot, Hack account, etc.) will result in a permanant deactivation of your account.
2. Usernames deemed innapropriate, infringing apon trademarks or copyright, or usernames associated with accounts deemed inactive are subject to change at any time.
3. Any attempt to chargeback money spent could cause your account to be deactivated. If you are unsatisfied with the purchase or have an issue we urge you to come to us first so we can assist you.
4. Your account is owned by Arxom and unauthorized transfering of accounts is prohibited.
5. If you get banned on any service provided by Arxom, Your Arxom account will not be banned. Only your access to the service in which you were banned on will be revoked, unless it is in violation of the Arxom Terms Of Service.
6. You must be or be above the age of 13 to register for Arxom, any user found to be under the age of 13 will have their account permanantly deleted apon being proved they are under the age of 13.
Any breach of these terms of service will result in your account being disabled permanantly.
This list can change over time so be sure to keep yourself up to date. By continuing to use any service provided by Arxom following an update to the terms of service means you accept and agree to follow the updated terms of service.
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